I compiled my best landscape photography for each month for 2016 so here is a new compilation for 2017. In 2017 I was out each month with my camera and moved from Worcestershire to Dorset and then to East Sussex. Again, think of it like a calendar.
January, Wye Valley, Symonds Yat
My favourite walk in January of 2017 was along the river Wye in Herefordshire and the view from Symonds Yat Rock.

The days are short in January and you can catch a sunset around 4-4:30pm, so don’t need to stay out late for the best light.
February, Forest of Dean
During the first part of 2017 I was living in Worcestershire but working just over the border in Tewkesbury Gloucestershire. On a cloudy weekend in February I decided to visit the Forest of Dean on the outskirts of Gloucestershire and the Welsh border.

A forest is a good location for photography when overcast, as the clouds act as a giant diffusor of the sun so reducing the stark contrast within the canopy of a wooded area.
March, Black Hill
On a fine day in March I ventured to the Black Hill on the outskirts of Herefordshire right on the border of Wales. It was an exhilarating walk over the black Hills along Offa’s Dyke Path with views stretching out across Herefordshire east and west the mountain rages within Wales.

You can feel very isolated and along on top of the black hills, there was still snow on the ground. Up to now this was the furthest west I had ventured but I yearned for a road trip into Wales and the Brecon beacons.
April, Golden Valley
Herefordshire is a wonderful county for landscape photography, very photogenic, with many iconic sceneries to visit. Herefordshire comes tops again for the month of April with a walk along the Golden Valley.

The weather that day along the Golden valley was a mixed bag of showers and sunshine but with the rare excellent visibility. Transitions between good and bad weather can provide for some dramatic landscape photography and lighting in a place like the Golden Valley.
May, Mid Summer Hill, Malverns
I finished my contract in May and had a few days to go out for walks before leaving the west midlands to do some travelling. I was particularly keen on returning to the Malvern hills, mid summer hill to be exact and to catch a sunset.

I sure was going to miss my walks over the Malvern hills. Never quite worked out if the Malverns are in Worcestershire or Herefordshire?
June, Hengistbury Head, Dorset
After some travelling towards the end of June I had moved to Bournemouth in Dorset. From Dorset I was going to look for a new contract knowing that Dorset is a great county for walking and landscape photography while not working.

After settling in to my new rental accommodation in Bournemouth my first walk and photo session was over the nearby Hengistbury Head. There was so many new places to explore in Dorset and Hampshire, I hoped I not get a new contract too soon.
July, Durdle Door, Dorset
You not done Dorset unless you done Durdle Door. And so it was I arrived one hot summers day in July at Durdle Door, its very popular locations for tourists, but walk further along from the main attractions and you will have the hills to yourself. I much prefer early morning than late afternoon, but not always practical.

This landscape photograph of Durdle door is what they call a photo cliche, it has been photographed so many times, but thats no less a reason to go out and photograph it yourself.
August, New Forest, Hampshire
When I look back through my archives, August was a good month for landscape photography and walking with fluffy white clouds and deep rich blue skies. But what really stood out was my first visits to the New Forest and the county of Hampshire.

I had always wanted to visit the new Forest since I was a child and now was my chance living on the border in nearby Dorset.
September, Bexhill, East Sussex
During my summer break in Dorset I had secured a new contract but that was in Hastings, so come the beginning of September, I had to leave reluctantly my home in Bournemouth and move to east Sussex.

I rented a flat on the seafront in nearby Bexhill. During September, often early in the morning I would enjoy going for a walk along the coast and the sunrise on the horizon, capturing the spectacle with my compact camera.
October, Hastings old town, Country Park
By mid October, I was getting back into the swing of things and at the weekend heading out with my DLSR and tripod for a proper walk and landscape photography session. I had always wanted to do the AA walk around Hastings but use to be a bit too far when I was based in West Sussex. Now it was just down the road, so in October I got to photograph the old town and adjacent country park.

Hastings old town and country park seem like worlds apart and both are very photogenic. From within the country park you can walk down to the nudist beach which is very remote.
November, Bewl Water, Kent
Come the deep autumn of November and I was now venturing more into the county of Kent. Again, living this far east in east Sussex gave me reach to new and exciting places especially on the high weald like Bewl Water.

On a good day November is a great month to get out walking and take some landscape photographs with all the different hues of Autumn especially around and within woodland.
December, Fire Hills, East Sussex
December and temperatures drop, the days are short, the trees are bare and the air is crisp and clear. One bright morning in December I decided to return to Hastings country park but walk the other part over the Fire Hills and to the outskirts of Fairlight.

December the weather can change fast, conditions were excellent for the first few hours hiking over the Fire Hills, but then the rain clouds moved in and the heavens opened up. Time to head back to the carpark.
So 2017 had been a good year for walking and landscape photography covering many different counties from the midlands to the south west and then finally the south east. As a landscape photographer I had improved, but still room for lots more improvement. The walking was keeping me fit and healthy, surely this was now a hobby for life, more than a hobby as I am making a bit of money now hosting high resolution copies on Shutterstock.
I really would like to make a calendar printout of these landscape photos, something else to learn to do.
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