Category Archives: April

Around Droitwich Spa Worcestershire

The weekend has come around again, unfortunately the weather forcast is not as good as last weekends adventure up Black Hill at least not for Saturday.  So went for a walk around the town of Droitwich Spa in Worcestershire not far from me in Pershore.
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Best Month Landscape Photography 2016

This post is a compilation of the best landscape photos for each month taken in 2016.  I started walking and landscape photography in March 2016 so I will be taking the best photo from each month beginning March.  Think of it like a calendar.
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Landscape Photography Sussex April 2016

If the weather was good my weekends and  free time would never be void anymore or spent indoors.  I had found a new hobby and passion in life Landscape photography.   Here are some of the places I visited and photoed around south east England mostly Sussex during the month of April 2016.
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