Searching online for some good locations on the high weald for autumn landscape photography and came across Harrisons Rocks in Groombridge. Decided on a dawn visit to Harrisons Rocks on the high weald East Sussex and Kent border.
Continue reading Harrisons Rocks Autumn High WealdCategory Archives: October
Landscape Photography Review 2021
Another year over, the 5th year have been into landscape photography and feel I have got better. The passion for landscape photography has only got stronger as time passes. I love getting outdoors with a camera, exploring new places and revisiting old ones. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography by month for the year 2021.
Continue reading Landscape Photography Review 2021October Landscape Photography 2021
Come October and starting to think about woodland and those autumn colours. October got off to a good start with a road trip to Somerset. This was then followed by some autumn walks over the High Weald. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography during October 2021.
Continue reading October Landscape Photography 2021Somerset Roadtrip Landscape Photos
Beginning of October and decided to take a road trip to Somerset in south west England. What follows is a compilation of the best locations and landscape photos during my road trip through Somerset.
Continue reading Somerset Roadtrip Landscape PhotosQuantock Hills Somerset
Another area of AONB within the county borders of Somerset were the Quantock Hills. My final day exploring Somerset had to include a visit to the Quantock Hills.
Continue reading Quantock Hills SomersetBossington Hill Exmoor Somerset
From my base close to the Mendip Hills I moved to Minehead on the north west Somerset coast. On the first full day took a trip to Bossington Hill on the fringes of Exmoor.
Continue reading Bossington Hill Exmoor SomersetGlastonbury Tor Somerset
Another iconic location situated in the south west English county of Somerset has to be Glastonbury Tor. While passing through Somerset had to scout this area and try and get a good landscape photo.
Continue reading Glastonbury Tor SomersetCheddar Gorge Mendips Somerset
My first photo walk over the Mendip Hills in Somerset south west England was to be around Cheddar Gorge.
Continue reading Cheddar Gorge Mendips SomersetStonehenge SPOTLIGHT Wiltshire
Beginning of October and time for a road trip. Was heading to Somerset but along the way decided to stop off at Stonehenge in Wiltshire.
Continue reading Stonehenge SPOTLIGHT WiltshireLandscape Photography 2020 Review
Happy new year! What a year 2020 was! It began with me spending most of January and February hiking in the mountains of Tenerife. Then the Covid pandemic and lockdown followed by not being able to return to work. What follows is a compilation of some of the best landscape photos taken during 2020.
Continue reading Landscape Photography 2020 ReviewOctober End High Weald Scouts
The tail end of October included more autumn scouts over the high weald in east Sussex and into Kent. What follows are photo walk scouts as I attempt to cover more of the high weald searching for that elusive autumn landscape composition.
Continue reading October End High Weald ScoutsBirling Gap Sunset Low Tide
It was going to be a nice October evening as far as the weather was concerned. Was heading to Eastbourne on business and threw the camera gear in the back of the car. That evening headed down to the coast at Birling gap for a low tide sunset.
Continue reading Birling Gap Sunset Low Tide