First visit to the Shropshire Hills in the West Midlands. Wanted to do this trip for a few years now, finally got round to it. Needed a break and a change of scenery, the first hill climbed of the Shropshire Hills was The Wrekin for a sunset.
Continue reading The Wrekin Sunset Shropshire HillsCategory Archives: Month
Surrey Hills Summertime Photography
For a weekend away, chose to visit the Surrey Hills on the North Downs. Would be staying for the night in a hotel at the foot of Box Hill. What follows is a compilation of some landscape photography on the Surrey Hill in the middle of summertime July.
Continue reading Surrey Hills Summertime PhotographyJune Landscape Photography 2021
Into June 2021, which to me is Summer proper. The days are long and get hot. Its a time to switch from sunrise to sunset photography if want to capture the landscape in the best light without getting up at 3AM. The first half of June was very hot, so much so finally invested in an air conditioner. The second half turned a lot cooler, overcast and wet. What follows is a compilation of some of the best landscape photography during the month of June 2021.
Continue reading June Landscape Photography 2021May Landscape Photography 2021
May 2021 for the most part was wet and cool, more like what we should have had through April. The bluebells bloomed late and spent a lot of May in woodland on the High Weald. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography during the month of May 2021.
Continue reading May Landscape Photography 2021April Landscape Photography
April 2021 comes to an end. Time for another landscape photography round up of the month of April. April 2021 has been one of the driest on record, no April showers. Very sunny dry days but cold nights and frosty mornings.
Continue reading April Landscape PhotographyBeachy Head Sunset April
April began with the Easter bank holiday and I was getting bored. Initial plan was maybe a blue hour shoot from Beachy Head but looking east over the lights of Eastbourne town below.
Continue reading Beachy Head Sunset AprilMarch Landscape Photos
March 2021 Photography
Into the month of March and the country is still in lockdown. Still managed to get outdoors and capture some cool landscape and seascape photography mostly around East Sussex but with a venture across the border into Kent. March is a transitional month, things begin to change as winter turns into spring. What follows is a compilation of the best locations visited and photographs taken during March 2021.
Continue reading March Landscape PhotosFebruary Photos East Sussex
Despite still being in the grips of the Covid pandemic and lockdown, February was a good month for getting out and taking some landscape photos around East Sussex. What follows is a compilation of locations visited during February and the best landscape photos taken.
Continue reading February Photos East SussexJanuary Landscape Photography 2021
Due to lockdown and the ongoing Covid pandemic January 2021 has been a tough month for landscape photography and getting outside. Still managed a few local trips and scouts around East Sussex. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography during January 2021 around East Sussex.
Continue reading January Landscape Photography 2021Firle Beacon Moonset
Rose early but not early enough for a sunrise and full moonset from Firle Beacon on the South Downs in East Sussex. After golden hour the plan was then to walk the whole ridge from Bo Peep to Itford Hill and back.
Continue reading Firle Beacon MoonsetWilmington to Folkington Hill South Downs
With the Xmas break needed to get out and exercise. With the Tier 4 lockdown was restricted on travel. Decided on an afternoon walk from Wilmington Hill to Folkington Hill on the South Downs in East Sussex. Plan was to hang around for a late December sunset.
Continue reading Wilmington to Folkington Hill South DownsLandscape Photography 2020 Review
Happy new year! What a year 2020 was! It began with me spending most of January and February hiking in the mountains of Tenerife. Then the Covid pandemic and lockdown followed by not being able to return to work. What follows is a compilation of some of the best landscape photos taken during 2020.
Continue reading Landscape Photography 2020 Review