Category Archives: Africa

Hammamet Tunisia North Africa

From Sousse in Tunisia arranged a taxi with the hotel to take me to my next stop. Three nights in a resort hotel on the coast of Hammamet.

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Sousse Tunisia North Africa

Had to take the week off over Christmas and fancied a change of scenery and some winter sunshine. So took a trip to Tunisia in North Africa. I began the holiday in Sousse.

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Landscape Photography 2022 Review

What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photo for each month during the year 2022.

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Gambia Photography West Africa

With the easing of Covid restrictions and having left my job really fancied some travel with a trip abroad. This was not primarily about Photography or hiking but more about a change of scenery, climate and chilling. But for sure would take along some camera equipment. Eventually chose to visit Gambia in West Africa.

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