If the weather was good my weekends and free time would never be void anymore or spent indoors. I had found a new hobby and passion in life Landscape photography. Here are some of the places I visited and photoed around south east England mostly Sussex during the month of April 2016.
Landscape Photography lens
Having gone into some detail about the specific camera I use in my March 2016 Landscape Photography post I thought I would first share some details about the lens I use to take my photos when out in the great outdoors.
I use the Canon EF-S 18-200 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens – Black for nearly all my photography, rarely changing lens. This lens due to it focal range its recommended more for travel than landscape photography. But saves you having to carry extra lens but more importantly not having to change lens in the field. I had a bad experience with my camera and dust on the sensor. Still you want a wide angle lens for landscape photography and would rarely need to go over 50mm.
Black Down
The first place I visited in April 2016 was the Black Down hills which has the highest summit in Sussex and lies on the border with Surrey.

I was lucky and having some good weather to walk in at the weekends. But bright sunny days are not always the best light for landscape photography, still I managed to get a few nice photos. Im still experimenting with HDR taking these shots rather than using Neutral density filters to control the high contrast and dynamic range.
Climping beach in Sussex still maintains some remoteness what with its Sand-dunes. As a youngster we use to come to Climping beach on a hot summers day. I use to look across the Arun estuary and the packed beach of Littlehampton and wonder why they all went there?

So Climping beach holds some fond and happy memories for me and its the first time I have come back since my childhood for a walk down memory lane and take some landscape photographs of Climping. Climping beach is still beautiful but seems to have shrunk with an imposing golf course just behind the sand dunes.
Beachy Head
Well you not done the South Downs or the Sussex coast unless you been to Beachy Head. Be warned if you appreciate solitude, Beachy head is very popular with visitors and tourists on a day out, at least parts of it.

Unfortunately Beachy Head is also a popular spot for those who want to end it all and jump off. On the cliff edge there are various crosses in the ground for remembrance. I guess different people come to Beachy head for different reasons.
Another lovely weekend mid April in Sussex and using the AA’s walking guide to Sussex I took a visit to classic Cuckfield. Cuckfield is a lovely piece of countryside largely untouched by urban development in this county.

The thing is with following the AA guides is they are not necessarily the best for Landscape Photography. For that I recommend you study OS maps online where you can clearly see footpaths and hills. I love photographing blue skies and fluffy white clouds. Problem with the photo above is the large empty space of green grass in the foreground. A good landscape photograph should also be a painting. Around Cuckfield in mid April the trees are beginning to bud and bluebells carpet the forest floors, spring is in full swing.
Back to HDR for my first landscape photo of the long man of Wilmington late April east Sussex. The origins of the long man are a mystery cut into windover hill high on the south downs.

The long man of Wilmington makes a great focal point, I love the clouds in hanging above and the leading lines. Nice composition. Fantastic views in this part of East Sussex. At the time I was more wrapped up with technicalities of photography rather than composition.
I first visited Amberley on a school trip, so was interesting to return in late April as a walker and landscape photographer, sure I would appreciate Amberley more now than back then.

Around Amberley is a beautiful walk along the Arun valley and downland.
That wraps up my memories of walks and landscape photography in April 2016 around Sussex.
Please check out my Sussex Landscape Photography Portfolio as hosted on Shutterstock. For a small fee you can download a high resolution image.
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