September was a good month for landscape photography getting outside for some sunrise, sunset shoots and scouting predominantly on and around the south downs in east Sussex.
Stone Hill Ashdown Forest
Strictly speaking I visited Stone Hill in Ashdown Forest end of August. It was the only trip I did in August due to the heat and humidity and general laziness. I broke the spell with a dawn visit to Ashdown Forest due to the weather changing as Autumn approached.

This dawn visit to Ashdown forest was the first in a series of return trips to locations I have visited before. The intention was to capture better landscape photographs than previously taken and to get motivated.
Cuckmere Valley Sunrise
If I was going to get better landscape photographs of locations visited before, needed to be on location around sunrise or sunset when the light was at its best. So it was when a return visit was made to High and Over to photograph the iconic Cuckmere valley beginning of September.

Headed out when the weather conditions were right for some mist down in the Cuckmere valley. So these trips were much more giving priority to landscape photography rather then scouting and hiking. After golden hour is over can then go on a morning hike and scout out some new possible compositions.
Mount Caburn Sunrise
Another location wanted to return to and do better was Mount Caburn on the Lewes Downs. Hoping for a repeat of the morning September mist but it not happen. Still the sunrise and views from the summit of Mount Caburn are pretty amazing.

Sunrise is challenging landscape photography what with low light, high contrast and lens flare. You not have long to capture that big ball of fire on the horizon. Had been experiencing auto focusing problems on infinity so was now switching to manual focus and using a 2x Magnification Loupe.
Ouse Valley Viaduct
Was in West Sussex during September visiting relatives. To kill two birds with one stone on the way back decided to scout out the magnificent Ouse Valley Viaduct with my compact camera.

What a subject and focal point the Ouse Valley Viaduct makes! So now the intention is to return for a sunrise shoot, mist on the ground, a panoramic including motion blur of a train going over the top.
Firle Estate to Lullington
With the days getting shorter in September and sunrise later it still hard to get up early in the morning. The predicted weather conditions are not always the best for landscape photography. Decided on a scouting trip on a mountain bike along the foot of the South Downs around the Firle estate and then back to Lullington.

Was a great day out getting lots of exercise, fresh air and sunshine. The best composition found that day was a view over Alfriston and the south downs from Lullington. This was a new discovery so pays to scout new locations first before putting the effort in for a dawn rise.
Hastings Seafront
For a few days during mid September the weather was mostly wet and dull and not very inspiring. Still needed to get out for some exercise and fresh air. Wanted to practice taking handheld panoramic shots with my compact camera. Hastings seafront would provide some good subjects for panoramas.

The quality is not brilliant but the piecing sunlight is dramatic. This spotlight of sun only lasted a few minutes on and off. Even on dull days there can be moments of dramatic light. Practiced lots that morning along Hastings seafront taking handheld panoramics putting the compact camera in full manual mode including focus.
Kingston Ridge Sunset
The last landscape shoot of September was a return to Kingston ridge near Lewes on the South Downs in East Sussex. Good weather was forecast for the afternoon and evening and a sunset shoot would make a difference. Rather than shooting into the setting sun was more visualising low golden light behind me over Kingston and in the valley between the Lewes downs and Firle to Bo Peep.

Even though have visited this location before you can still spend a lot of time seeking out the best composition for a landscape photo even in a relatively small area. There was still a lot to discover on the Kingston ridge and the trip turned more into scouting but had a great time. A few trips to an iconic location are not enough to get the most out of it.
End of September
That’s it for September, a good month, got my mojo back for landscape photography. Key was the plan to revisit good locations under better lighting conditions and get some better photographs rather than just seeking out new areas to explore.
If you enjoyed this check out the East Sussex photo gallery.
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