This week in December 2021 has seen some very colourful sunrises. This usually happens in the week when you are working. The weather forecast looked good for Saturday and the plan was to shoot a sunrise from Warren Hill on the South Downs overlooking Eastbourne.
Continue reading Warren Hill Sunrise EastbourneTag Archives: dawn
Cuckmere Haven Sunrise Seaford
Managed to get up early enough for a dawn sunrise seascape shoot at the Coastguard cottages at Cuckmere Haven Seaford on the East Sussex coast. The first photo shoot of December.
Continue reading Cuckmere Haven Sunrise SeafordNovember Landscape Photography 2021
November and autumn has come late and in full swing. When I could get out most of November was spent scouting out those potential autumn scenes over the High Weald which has lots of woodland. What follows is a compilation of the best November Landscape Photography.
Continue reading November Landscape Photography 2021Glastonbury Tor Somerset
Another iconic location situated in the south west English county of Somerset has to be Glastonbury Tor. While passing through Somerset had to scout this area and try and get a good landscape photo.
Continue reading Glastonbury Tor SomersetHolmbury Hill Sunrise Surrey Hills
Due to work would be in Surrey for a few days so chose to combine this with a weekend stopover. First stop on the way was Holmbury Hill on the Surrey Hills for a sunrise.
Continue reading Holmbury Hill Sunrise Surrey HillsBrighton West Pier
Decided to take a camping weekend on the south downs near Brighton on the East Sussex coast. The plan was to rise early one morning and capture the ruins of the west pier.
Continue reading Brighton West PierJuly Landscape Photography 2021
The month of July and long hot summer days, insect repellent and sun cream. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography during the month of July 2021.
Continue reading July Landscape Photography 2021Surrey Hills Summertime Photography
For a weekend away, chose to visit the Surrey Hills on the North Downs. Would be staying for the night in a hotel at the foot of Box Hill. What follows is a compilation of some landscape photography on the Surrey Hill in the middle of summertime July.
Continue reading Surrey Hills Summertime PhotographyJanuary Landscape Photography 2021
Due to lockdown and the ongoing Covid pandemic January 2021 has been a tough month for landscape photography and getting outside. Still managed a few local trips and scouts around East Sussex. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography during January 2021 around East Sussex.
Continue reading January Landscape Photography 2021Landscape Photography 2020 Review
Happy new year! What a year 2020 was! It began with me spending most of January and February hiking in the mountains of Tenerife. Then the Covid pandemic and lockdown followed by not being able to return to work. What follows is a compilation of some of the best landscape photos taken during 2020.
Continue reading Landscape Photography 2020 ReviewFairlight Glen Dawn Seascapes
Was planning travelling further afield, but with Hastings having been thrown into tier 4 lockdown due to Covid, was restricted to the local area. Decided on a return to Fairlight Glen for a dawn shoot.
Continue reading Fairlight Glen Dawn SeascapesTelscombe Cliffs Seascapes
Exploring further along the east Sussex coast, a location not scouted before is the Telscombe Cliffs between Rottingdean in Brighton and Peacehaven.
Continue reading Telscombe Cliffs Seascapes