The last days of autumn were upon us. Those warm deep golden hues would soon be gone for another season. From late morning onwards the weather forecast looked promising for a visualisation had in mind. With no specific composition in mind the plan was to capture an autumn woodland scene somewhere on the High Weald in East Sussex.
Continue reading High Weald Autumn ColoursTag Archives: farmland
Poppy Sunset Ditchling Road Brighton
Having scouted out the poppy field along Ditchling road on the south downs near Brighton the plan now was to return for a sunset shoot. What follows is a couple of attempts to photograph the poppies at Ditchling and a scout of Titch Hill.
Continue reading Poppy Sunset Ditchling Road BrightonDitchling Road Poppies Brighton
June is a popular month for photography Poppies. It can be pretty random from year to year where the poppies will grow. Being a member of many social media groups dedicated to landscape photography and the countryside, postings into these groups will soon notify you where the poppies are growing.
Continue reading Ditchling Road Poppies BrightonMay Photography 2022
May is a transitional month of the year. The beginning of May spring is ending and the end of May summer is beginning. The landscape is often lush green. What follows is a compilation of the best photography during the month of May 2022.
Continue reading May Photography 2022April Landscape Photography 2022
April 2022 was a mostly dry month, very little rain. Come April and spring is well under way. Had a good few scouts through woodland on the high and low weald in East Sussex looking for that bluebell shot. Some new viewpoints discovered over the south downs near Lewes, Rapeseed sunsets, Kent beaches, a trip to France and a few disasters. What follows is the best landscape and travel photography during April 2022.
Continue reading April Landscape Photography 2022June Landscape Photography 2021
Into June 2021, which to me is Summer proper. The days are long and get hot. Its a time to switch from sunrise to sunset photography if want to capture the landscape in the best light without getting up at 3AM. The first half of June was very hot, so much so finally invested in an air conditioner. The second half turned a lot cooler, overcast and wet. What follows is a compilation of some of the best landscape photography during the month of June 2021.
Continue reading June Landscape Photography 2021Landscape Photography 2020 Review
Happy new year! What a year 2020 was! It began with me spending most of January and February hiking in the mountains of Tenerife. Then the Covid pandemic and lockdown followed by not being able to return to work. What follows is a compilation of some of the best landscape photos taken during 2020.
Continue reading Landscape Photography 2020 ReviewJuly Landscape Photography South East England
July has been an interesting month for Landscape Photography and hiking. It started with more High Weald walks in East Sussex, then switching to the South Downs. This included my first camping trip to the border of West Sussex and Hampshire and then onto the North Wessex Downs and Berkshire.
Continue reading July Landscape Photography South East England