Made the decision to take an extended vacation to South East Asia during June 2023 beginning in Thailand. Plan was then to travel on to Laos and Vietnam.
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May 2023 Landscape Photography Review
What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography and locations visited during the month of May 2023.
Continue reading May 2023 Landscape Photography ReviewLandscape Photography 2022 Review
What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photo for each month during the year 2022.
Continue reading Landscape Photography 2022 ReviewAugust Landscape Photography 2022
August 2022 has been very hot dry and sunny with little to no rainfall. Fortunately it has not stopped me getting outdoors in the great outdoors with the camera. What follows is the best landscape photography and photo walks during August 2022.
Continue reading August Landscape Photography 2022Ashdown Forest August Heath Heather
What typifies the month of August is heather on the heath. Ashdown forest on the high weald in East Sussex is a good location for heather in August. What follows is a couple of attempts to photograph heather on the heath during August 2022 on the Ashdown Forest landscape.
Continue reading Ashdown Forest August Heath HeatherDallington Forest Garlic Woodland
Through the beginning of May 2022 continued to scout some woodland on the High Weald. Headed to Dallington forest expecting bluebells but discovered a Garlic Woodland Wonderland.
Continue reading Dallington Forest Garlic WoodlandGambia Photography West Africa
With the easing of Covid restrictions and having left my job really fancied some travel with a trip abroad. This was not primarily about Photography or hiking but more about a change of scenery, climate and chilling. But for sure would take along some camera equipment. Eventually chose to visit Gambia in West Africa.
Continue reading Gambia Photography West AfricaApril Landscape Photography
April 2021 comes to an end. Time for another landscape photography round up of the month of April. April 2021 has been one of the driest on record, no April showers. Very sunny dry days but cold nights and frosty mornings.
Continue reading April Landscape PhotographyGoogle Maps Photos 2 Million Views
Recently clocked over two million views on google maps photos. What follows is a compilation of the ten most popular photos on Google maps and the story behind them.
Continue reading Google Maps Photos 2 Million ViewsSeptember Landscape Photography
September was a good month for landscape photography getting outside for some sunrise, sunset shoots and scouting predominantly on and around the south downs in east Sussex.
Continue reading September Landscape PhotographyHigh Weald Landscape Photography
Great High Weald Landscape Locations
The High Weald in the south east of England is one of the countries designated AONB. The High Weald spans the three counties of Kent, East Sussex and west Sussex. The following post is a small compilation of some of the best places to visit on the High Weald for landscape photography and hiking.
Best Month Landscape Photography 2019
2019 was another active year walking and landscape photography across the south east, south west and then moving to the east of England. What follows is a compilation of my best landscape photos for each month during 2019.
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