It was the weekend of the full October Hunters moonrise. Decided on a evening full moon rise hopefully behind Camber Castle near Rye on the east Sussex coast.
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September 2022 Landscape Photography Review
What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography during September 2022. Visiting new locations within East Sussex and Kent and a trip to Wiltshire.
Continue reading September 2022 Landscape Photography ReviewAugust Landscape Photography 2022
August 2022 has been very hot dry and sunny with little to no rainfall. Fortunately it has not stopped me getting outdoors in the great outdoors with the camera. What follows is the best landscape photography and photo walks during August 2022.
Continue reading August Landscape Photography 2022Martinsell Hill Wessex Downs Wiltshire
Had to do a trip to Wiltshire with an overnight stay so decided would include an evening hike in the Wessex Downs. Researching online Martinsell Hill looked like a great new location to explore and photograph during golden hour and sunset,
Continue reading Martinsell Hill Wessex Downs WiltshireJuly Landscape Photography 2022
Been very active during July 2022. Photography both landscape and wildlife and exploring many new locations. What follows is a compilation of the best photography during July 2022.
Continue reading July Landscape Photography 2022January 2022 Landscape Photography Review
January 2022 was a very dry month, not too cold, nothing too severe. Throughout January 2022 mostly concentrated on dawn seascape photography along the east Sussex coast. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography from January 2022.
Continue reading January 2022 Landscape Photography ReviewThe Lawley Sunset Shropshire Hills
Second day on the Shropshire Hills in the West Midlands and headed to a ridge known as The Lawley for an evening golden hour and sunset.
Continue reading The Lawley Sunset Shropshire HillsApril Landscape Photography
April 2021 comes to an end. Time for another landscape photography round up of the month of April. April 2021 has been one of the driest on record, no April showers. Very sunny dry days but cold nights and frosty mornings.
Continue reading April Landscape PhotographyMarch Landscape Photos
March 2021 Photography
Into the month of March and the country is still in lockdown. Still managed to get outdoors and capture some cool landscape and seascape photography mostly around East Sussex but with a venture across the border into Kent. March is a transitional month, things begin to change as winter turns into spring. What follows is a compilation of the best locations visited and photographs taken during March 2021.
Continue reading March Landscape PhotosJanuary Landscape Photography 2021
Due to lockdown and the ongoing Covid pandemic January 2021 has been a tough month for landscape photography and getting outside. Still managed a few local trips and scouts around East Sussex. What follows is a compilation of the best landscape photography during January 2021 around East Sussex.
Continue reading January Landscape Photography 2021Firle Beacon Moonset
Rose early but not early enough for a sunrise and full moonset from Firle Beacon on the South Downs in East Sussex. After golden hour the plan was then to walk the whole ridge from Bo Peep to Itford Hill and back.
Continue reading Firle Beacon MoonsetWilmington to Folkington Hill South Downs
With the Xmas break needed to get out and exercise. With the Tier 4 lockdown was restricted on travel. Decided on an afternoon walk from Wilmington Hill to Folkington Hill on the South Downs in East Sussex. Plan was to hang around for a late December sunset.
Continue reading Wilmington to Folkington Hill South Downs