Category Archives: Month

april lockdown landscape photography

Due to the Covid-19 virus lockdown, Landscape photography and hiking during April was restricted. But living near the coast in East Sussex and the high weald, some interesting locations to visit were not far away for my daily exercise.

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March Seascape Photography East Sussex

The wet stormy weather continued into March along the coast of East Sussex.  Just as the weather turned nice, the lock-down due to the Corona Virus took hold of the nation so could not get out as much as I would have liked to.  When I did get out during March is was mostly walks along the east Sussex coast and seascape photography.
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Seascape Photography East Sussex

Most of January 2020 and half of February I have been travelling abroad so not done much winter landscape photography around south east England.  Still I managed a few trips to the coast around east Sussex for some seascape photography.
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Best Month Landscape Photography 2019

2019 was another active year walking and landscape photography across the south east, south west and then moving to the east of England.  What follows is a compilation of my best landscape photos for each month during 2019.
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Ashdown Forest East Sussex

With a midweek break in the constant deluge of wet weather this winter in south east England decided on a walk through Ashdown Forest on the High Weald in East Sussex.
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Beachy Head Lighthouse Sunset Moonrise

First day of freedom on the south east coast and its a beautiful sunny day.  A photo walk I have wanted to do for a long time is from Eastbourne to Beachy Head lighthouse but on the coast, along the beach.
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Royal Military Canal Pett Level Photo Walk

The weather looked good for the best part of Sunday, the plan was to park up at Cliff End Pett Level and walk along the Royal Military Canal to Winchelsea and then back along the beach and coast.
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Westfield 1066 Country Walk

Decided on an afternoon walk, closer to home with a possible sunset on the horizon.  Just out of Hastings in east Sussex is the village of Westfield which would include a section of the 1066 country walk.
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Sandhurst Walk High Weald Kent

A bright frosty morning, the last day of November and a return to the High Weald with a walk from The Moor near Hawkhurst  along the Sussex Border Path to St Nicolas Church near Sandhurst in Kent.
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Kent Downs Sevenoaks

Driving along the A21 from Hertfordshire to the east Sussex coast and back,  you can not help notice the views over the weald and the Kent Downs near Sevenoaks.  On the promise of a sunny afternoon on my drive to east Sussex, I decided to pull over and scout the area.
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Westwell Kent Downs

I discovered Westwell and the Kent downs though a magazine I picked up in the pub at Woods Corner on the High Weald.  Aspect Country which had a feature on the little hamlet of Westwell, its pub and the good walks over the Kent downs nearby.  On a gloomy wet Sunday morning, that was where I was heading to Westwell.
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Eastbourne to Beachy Head

Another wash out autumn weekend on the south coast of England.  Rather than a gloomy day over the High Weald decided to visit the town of Eastbourne and walk from there to Beachy Head on the South Downs.
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