Category Archives: Camber Sands

March Seascape Photography East Sussex

The wet stormy weather continued into March along the coast of East Sussex.  Just as the weather turned nice, the lock-down due to the Corona Virus took hold of the nation so could not get out as much as I would have liked to.  When I did get out during March is was mostly walks along the east Sussex coast and seascape photography.
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Seascape Photography East Sussex

Most of January 2020 and half of February I have been travelling abroad so not done much winter landscape photography around south east England.  Still I managed a few trips to the coast around east Sussex for some seascape photography.
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Seascapes from Cliff End to Camber Sands

I was having a difficult time choosing a location for some landscape photography and a good walk.  Finally I chose on a road-trip along the east Sussex coast from Cliff End near Pett then to go onto Camber Sands and finally Dungerness in Kent to capture some Seascapes.
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