newhaven west beach low tide

Newhaven low tide

Another windy wet blustery January weekend. Another return to Newhaven west beach to hopefully photograph the lighthouse during sunrise and low tide.

Newhaven west beach

With this continuous wet windy weather Newhaven beach and lighthouse make a good location and subject. Too windy for walking over the south downs. Seascape photography is good in these conditions. The weather forecast was a mix with very strong winds 40+ mph but this would be occurring at low tide at Newhaven west beach. The plan was to walk under the cliffs and observe and capture the lighthouse with the 400mm lens.

High Contrast

Was too late for sunrise. High contrast light provided an interesting composition of the lighthouse. With very little colour converted to black and white post processing which is more impactful.

newhaven lighthouse morning tide
Newhaven lighthouse morning tide

Compositions from along west beach under the cliffs at low tide can be challenging. Getting everything to align up. Getting the light right, really want it to hit the lighthouse, maybe Seaford head cliffs behind. The location has lots of potential but will require many visits and learning to get the best out of it.

Newhaven Cliffs

To get a sense of location took some shots with the 24-105mm at the wide angle end. Looking east you can see the cliffs during low tide. Still a good hour away from peak low tide.

newhaven cliffs low tide
Newhaven cliffs low tide

Looking west you can see the seawall and undercliff walk of Peacehaven and far distance the seafront buildings of Brighton.

cliffs newhaven west beach low tide
cliffs Newhaven west beach low tide

Its not an easy walk on the slippery rocks under Newhaven cliffs at low tide, Walking wellingtons with non slip soles are good footwear in such conditions.

Breaking waves

It was cold and windy down on Newhaven west beach, felt I had missed the best of the light so decided to head back. The goal was really to observe the location low tide early morning and capture the lighthouse with the 400mm lens.

morning low tide newhaven lighthouse
morning low tide Newhaven lighthouse

Super telephoto at 400mm is not the only options at this location. With the low morning sunlight highlighting the breaking waves needed the 24-105mm to frame the best composition. The breaking waves create a leading line to the lighthouse.

newhaven west beach low tide
Newhaven west beach low tide

Moving east along the Newhaven beach isolates the lighthouse from the background of Seaford head. Moving west along the beach, only possible at low tide has the lighthouse behind Seaford head. You need the light to get good separation of the lighthouse from the cliff. Also do not really want a small part of the lighthouse protruding above the cliff.

Newhaven Return

A good morning out at Newhaven west beach. Learnt a lot about the location. Want to return for a sunrise low tide. Newhaven beach and lighthouse provides good compositions without crashing waves.

Check out the January 2023 landscape photography gallery

Check out the East Sussex landscape photography gallery

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